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10 years and counting

Whitemountain & District Community Association (WDCA) invited locals from the area to visit a special tenth year presentation and short AGM on Monday 1 April, 7.30pm at Bridge Community Centre.

As a totally rural community association right on the northern edge of the city, we don’t have the ‘luxury’ of community facilities. However, since our inaugural meeting just over ten years back, a lot of different projects have been conducted.

That is all due to the efforts by volunteers from both within and outside the community area.

The presentation part of Monday evenings presentation will show just how much has been achieved and it is hoped that locals from the area will come along to hear about all that effort.

In recent months, we have also partnered with the Ulster New Zealand Trust (UNZT) on an IT development project funded by The Dept For Communities. Feddie Hall from UNZT attended and give an insight into Balance House and UNZT projects. Over the Winter and Spring we have held a number of bio-diversity clean up events at the NI Environment Agency (NIEA) managed Belshaw’s Quarry Nature Reserve and Sculpture Park.

The great effort by the volunteer team has led to the geological features at the Area of Special Scientific Interest being more visible than ever. We plan to hold another bio-diversity clean up morning/afternoon on Saturday 11 May for some low-level weeding activity we hope that locals will be able to take part.

We will also have a special opening of the brand new access steps provided by NIEA of recent which now makes the site more accessible than ever. That activity will conclude a three year project at the facility supported by The Alpha Fund and LCCC. That has led to the facility being turned from an empty quarry hole into an attractive educational visitor attraction.

As a result, LCCC now feature the location in new on-line promotional material for the city-wide area. Heres a link to it.

Bookings are not necessary for our next event on 11th May but it would be great if those planning to attend could let us know through the Contact Us page on our website or through our Next Door or Facebook social media pages.

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