Whitemountain & District Community Association
Belshaw's Quarry Sculpture Park
Belshaws Quarry Sculpture Park is free to visit and comprises the addition of a series of human being sized sculptures to the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) owned Belshaws Quarry National Nature Reserve on Benson’s Rd, Lisburn. Download a brochure, visit the park and send us feedback on facebook, trip advisor etc.
Our audio guide is also available on youtube >>
PHASE 2 OPENED 7 APRIL 2018: A second phase of the sculpture park comprising four more sculptures opened to the public on 7 April 2018. These represent mans use of materials of the type found at this site, in particular flint and limestone all of which required manual labour for their extraction.
The reserve is designated as an Area of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI) due to the uniquely accessible series of geological features. As such the sculpture park is possibly the only one of its type in Europe
The Sculpture Park took three years from planning to completion and as a community group that has a focus on environmental matters this project fits in with our core reason for being
Television Coverage
The main funding for the Sculpture Park came from the Alpha Programme & Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council but non monetary support also comes from different sources.
The BBC recently used the sculpture aspect of the nature reserve as a background to a Community Life programme. See the News tab for info
NVTV ran a full 30 minutes coverage in April 17 of the first phase of the sculpture park (see below video link).
NVTV has continued to support the project and a TV interview in late 2017 gives an insight into the 2nd phase.
Watch the interview here: https://player.vimeo.com/video/213874895